
Linux – Why I Did Not Learn Beyond Basics?

July 9, 2019

I thank Tracy Boggiano (b|t) for hosting T-SQL Tuesday #116 . Topic for this month is SQL on Linux. I also want to acknowledge Adam Machanic’s vision behind this project. I learned a lot from some of the #TSQL Tuesday’s and participated in few. I personally do not use SQL Server on Linux today. Does […]

Azure Blob storage archive access tier – How much it cost to upload your data?

July 1, 2019

I needed to come up with an estimated cost to store 120TB of data in Azure Blob Storage. Most objects will never need to be retrieved. Few of the objects will be retrieved once or twice a year. It made sense to put these objects in archive access tier instead of hot or cold access […]

Performance Troubleshooting made easier- New features in Management Studio

July 27, 2018

This is a session about new features in SQL Server Management Studio and runtime data exposed via showplan. Microsoft’s goal is to make showplan, one stop shop for query performance troubleshooting. I presented the session to following user groups and events. Rhode Island SQL Server User Group on February 07, 2018 PASS DBA Virtual Chapter on […]

Digital Dementia – What can we do about it?

March 13, 2018

I thank Adam Machanic (b|t) for hosting TSQL Tuesday #100. Topic for this month is Looking Forward 100 Months.  I also want to acknowledge Adam’s vision behind this project. I learned a lot from some of the #TSQL Tuesday’s and participated in few. Since I saw the invitation from Adam Machanic about TSQL Tuesday #100 , it took me […]

Data Discovery and Classification -How it is Done?

March 11, 2018

On February 15, 2018, SQL Server Management Studio 17.5 was released. A new feature called “Data Discovery & Classification” was launched with this release. You can read about this feature in the following posts. SQL Data Discovery and Classification What’s new in SSMS 17.5: Data Discovery and Classification Since this feature was released a common question was […]

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